American, b. 1958 in Bialystok, Poland, lives and works in New York, NY
Member of performance duo AWACS (with Piotr Grzybowski, active 1981-1983 under Martial Law in Poland)
1982 MFA Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland
2017 Serial Killers and other Fingerprints, SPRING/BREAK Art Show, New York, NY
2014 AWACS / 1981-1983 (Maciej Toporowicz and Piotr Grzybowski), Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland
2009 SCHOENBERG!, Wyspa Art Institute, Gdansk, Poland
2008 Planet Japan, Kinokuniya, New York, NY, USA
2000 Obsession, Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland
Stairs 2 Heaven, Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New York, NY, USA
1997 A Season in Hell, Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New York, NY, USA
1996 Obsession, Galeria Camargo Vilaca, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Lure, Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New York, NY, USA
1994 Obsession, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, USA
1991 Maciej Toporowicz, Galeria Wschodnia, Lodz, Poland
2016 Wall Signs, Galeria Sztuki Wspolczesnej, Opole, Poland (installation Aokigahara)
2016 Z mojego okna widać wszystkie kopce / All Mounds Can Be Seen from My Window – Bunkier Sztuki 50th anniversary exhibition, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland (documentation of AWACS – a
performance duo founded by Piotr Grzybowski and Maciej Toporowicz, active 1981-1983)
2015 Wyspa 3.0. Mapa i terytorium. Wystawa z okazji 30-lecia Wyspy / Wyspa 3.0. Map and Territory. Wyspa 30th anniversary exhibition, Wyspa Art Institute, Gdansk, Poland
Krolow jest bez liku / There are many Kings, F.A.I.T Gallery, Krakow, Poland
2014 The Aesthetic of Man, Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2013 Polish Art and Holocaust (with Miroslaw Balka, Tadeusz Kantor, Zbigniew Libera, Alina Szapocznikow, Artur Zmijewski, etc.), Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, Poland
2012 Evil Design, Rohsska Museet, Gothenburg, Sweden
(NIE) PORZADEK / (DIS)ORDER, Galeria Sztuki Wspolczesnej/Contemporary Art Gallery, Opole, Poland
Drugie zycie obrazow. Filmy found footage / The Afterlife of Images. Found Footage Films, a film program, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland (Toporowicz’ Obsession was shown)
2011 History in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow (MOCAK), Krakow, Poland
57th International Short Film Festival, Oberhausen, Germany
2010 Decadence Now! Visions of Excess, curated by Otto M. Urban, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic (with: Matthew Barney, Gilbert & George, Keith Haring, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons,
David LaChapelle, Zbigniew Libera, Robert Mapplethorpe, Catherine Opie, ORLAN, Andres Serrano, Cindy Sherman, David Wojnarowicz, among others)
2009 PHOTOFOBIA-2, National Center for Contemporary Arts, Kaliningrad, Russia
WRO Media Art International Biennale, National Museum, Wroclaw, Poland
On the Tectonics of History, curated by Martin Krenn and Andrea Domesle, International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), Brooklyn, NY, USA
2008 All Hallow’ Even, Gowanus Studio, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Maciej Toporowicz’ video retrospective, Noc Muzeow/Night of the Museums, Wyspa Art Institute, Gdansk, Poland
2007 On the Tectonics of History, curated by Martin Krenn, Andrea Domesle & Aneta Szylak, Wyspa Art Institute, Gdansk, Poland
2006 With Shuddering Horror Pale, Artspace, New Haven, CT, USA
POZA: On the Polishness of Polish Contemporary Art, curated by Marek Bartelik, Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT, USA
Polyphony of Images. A Night of Cutting-Edge Contemporary Art from Poland: Video, Performance, and Other Media, curated by Monika Fabijanska, Polish Cultural Institute at the De Lamar
Mansion (Consulate General of Poland), New York, NY, USA
2005 4th London International Sci-Fi Film Festival, London, UK
Le Festival des Très Courts, France (international film festival of shorts, held each year in dozens of cities simultaneously)
2004 New New Yorkers, CCA Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
Arte e Publicita, Museo D’Arte Moderne, Bolzano, Italy
The Book as Object and Performance, Gigantic Art Space, New York, NY, USA
2003 Video Art from Poland, Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway
Cambio Constante 3, Monastero Veruela, Zaragoza, Spain
2002 Mirroring Evil, The Jewish Museum, New York, NY, USA
Videozone, Trieste Film Festival, Trieste, Italy
2001 Markers, organized by Ryszard Wasko during Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
Identitites: Contemporary Portraiture (with Francesco Clemente, Chuck Close, Lucian Freud, Kiki Smith, etc.), New Jersey Center for Visual Arts, Summit, NJ, USA
2000 Confronting the Figure, Fuller Museum of Art, Brockton, MA, USA
Confession of a Voyeur, Dulcinea, Istanbul, Turkey
After Hours, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland
2000 Construction in Process VII - This Earth is a Flower, Bydgoszcz, Poland
1999 Propaganda, Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New York, NY, USA
Your I, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, USA
1998 Medialization, Edsvik Konst Kultur, Stockholm, Sweden
Photobiennale, ICP, Moscow, Russia
Cannibal City, Paco Das Artes, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tangents, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia
Absence/Presence, Katherine Nash Gallery, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Urban Romantics-Part 2, Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New York, NY, USA
1996 Sex/Industry, Stux Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Untitled, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, USA
The Experimenters, Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New York, NY, USA
100 Photographers, American Fine Arts, Co, New York, NY, USA
Voyeurs Delight, Franklin Furnace, New York, NY, USA
1995 Tangled roots: 16th annual New Music & Arts Festival, curated by Jacqueline S. Nathan with Myroslava Mudrak, Fine Arts Center Galleries, Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Accumulation, Work Space, New York, NY, USA
Arresting Images, Gallery 400, Chicago, IL, USA
Construction in Process V, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel
Giordano Bruno, Goethe Institute, Krakow, Poland
1994 Beyond the Borders, Bronx Museum, New York, NY, USA
1993 Construction in Process IV – My Home is Your Home, Lodz, Poland
Hair, Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI, USA
1990 Sites of Intolerance, P.S.1, Queens, NY, USA
1989 Invitational, Stux Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2014 Obsession, street posting action, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1995 Auslånder Raus, mailing action, Frankfurt, Germany
1994 Obsession, street posting action, New York, NY, USA
Forza Italia, mailing action, Rome, Italy
Serial Killers, mailing action, New York, NY, USA
2014 Czwarta proba dojscia / The 4th Trial, on the occasion of the retrospective exhibition AWACS / 1981-1983 (of performance duo: Maciej Toporowicz and Piotr Grzybowski), Bunkier Sztuki,
Krakow, Poland, Apr. 15, 2014
1995 Antoni Artaud, BWA Gallery, Krakow, Poland
10 Commandments, Podewil, Berlin, Germany
10 Commandments, Galata Festival, Istanbul, Turkey
1994 10 Commandments, Chapter Gallery, Cardiff, UK
1987 Ultragothic, New Langton Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA
Ding an Sich, Franklin Furnace, New York, NY, USA
1986 Ding an Sich, P.S.122, New York, NY, USA
1985 Apocalypse Now, Negerhalle, Munich, Germany
1984 Ding an Sich, Moltkerai, Cologne, Germany
1983 Art Now Gallery, Mannheim, Germany
AWACS* Group performance, Strych Gallery, Lodz, Poland
AWACS Group performance, AT Gallery, Poznan, Poland
1982 Radio Ebb, railway tracks, Krakow, Poland
1981 AWACS Group performance, Klub Pod Reka, Krakow, Poland
Rose, AWACS Group performance, 9th Krakow Meetings, Bunkier Sztuki (then BWA), Krakow, Poland
1981 Tapes, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland
*AWACS was a performance duo founded by Piotr Grzybowski and Maciej Toporowicz in Poland, active 1981-1983
- The Jewish Museum, New York, NY, USA
- Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland
- MOCAK – Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow, Poland
- Museo D’Arte Moderne, Bolzano, Italy
1991 Studio Program Award, P.S.1, New York, NY, USA
- Fingerprint Portraits of Serial Killers Are a Pointillist's Nightmare, by Kara Weisenstein, in: Creators, New York, NY, March 16, 2017
- Inside Spring/Break, The Best Armory Arts Week Fair Inside A Times Square Office Building, by Scott Lynch, Gothamist, New York, NY, March 1, 2017
- Narodziny, kopulacja, smierc / Birth, Copulation, Death, by Zofia Krawiec, in: Artpunkt, Opole, Poland, Dec. 2, 2014
- To byl taki punk artystyczny. Rozmowa z Maciejem Toporowiczem / It was such an artistic punk. A Conversation with Maciej Toporowicz, by Dominik Kurylek, in: Magazyn Szum, Warsaw, Poland, May 2, 2014
- AWACS: Maciej Toporowicz – interview made by Krzysztof Siatka i Katarzyna Maciag on Apr. 9, 2014 on the occasion of exhibition AWACS/ 1981-1983 at the Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland, Pasmo Kontrolne
- Quantum of Image, by Lukasz Kropiowski, Artpunkt, Opole, Poland, no. 15, Dec. 2012
- Brave Brooklyn for Scary Halloween Art, by Alex Taylor, in: The New York Observer, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 31, 2008
- Pierwsza w Polsce retrospektywa filmow Macieja Toporowicza! / First Maciej Toporowicz’ video retrospective in Poland!, interview with Maciej Toporowicz by Roma Piotrowska, in: Modelator, Gdansk, Poland, May 5, 2008
- The remembered and imagined Holocaust in contemporary art: on the work of Zbigniew Libera, Piotr Uklanski, and Maciej Toporowicz, by Eleonora Jedlinska, in: Pro Memoria, Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, Poland, issue 26, 2007, pp. 53-60
- Pomiedzy postawa krytyczna a analityczna, strategie najnowszej polskiej sztuki wideo / Between Critical and Analytical Approach. Strategies of the Recent Polish Video Art, by Lukasz Ronduda, in: Artmix, Warsaw, Poland, no. 6/2003
- Readymade Redux: Once More the Jewish Museum, by Lisa Saltzman, in Grey Room, MIT Press Journals, Cambridge, MA, Fall 2002, no. 9, pp. 90-104
- In Her Own Image, by Jeff Chu, in: Time, New York, NY, USA, Aug. 19, 2002
- Mirroring Evil: Nazi Imagery/Recent Art, by Linda Nochlin, in: Artforum, Summer 2002
- “Mirroring Evil”: It’s Only Nazis, by Christian Viveros-Faune, in: New York Press, New York, NY, USA, Apr. 16, 2002
- No Business Like Shoah Business, by Michelle Goldberg,, New York, NY, USA, Apr. 3, 2002
- Mild Thing, by Jerry Saltz, in: Village Voice, Apr. 2, New York, NY, USA, 2002
- The Hitler Show, by Peter Schjeldahl, in: The New Yorker, New York, NY, USA, Apr. 1, 2002
- Springtime for Hitler, by Michael Frank, in: Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar. 31, 2002
- The Art of Banality, Editorial Page (Opinion), The New York Times, New York, NY, USA, Mar. 22, 2002
- Alles, was trivial ist, by Andrian Kreye, in: Suddeutsche Zeitung, Munich, Germany, Mar. 22, 2002
- L'impair du musée juif de New York. Polémique autour d'une exposition censée dénoncer l'imagerie nazie, by Fabrice Rousselot, in: Liberation, Paris, France, Mar. 20, 2002
- Maciej Toporowicz, Suicide Forest, in: The Fader, New York, NY, USA, Winter 2001
- Confronting the Figure, by Joanne Silver, in: Boston Herald, Boston, MA, USA, Sept. 1, 2000
- Confronting the Figure, by Cate McQuaid, in: Boston Globe, Boston, MA, USA, Aug. 24, 2000
- Maciej Toporowicz at Lombard Freid, by Sarah Valdez, in: Art in America, USA, Sept. 2000
- Inhaling Passions: Art, Sex, and Scent, by Jim Drobnick, in: Sexuality & Culture, USA, Summer 2000, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 37-56
- Stairs 2 Heaven, by Robert Morgan, in: Review, USA, Mar. 2000
- L’obsession de Maciej, in: Etapes: Design Graphiques & Culture Visuelle, Paris, France, Apr. 2000
- Maciej Toporowicz at Lombard Freid Fine Arts, by Robert Morgan, in: Art Press, New York, NY, USA, Feb. 1998
- Reveries, Assaults and Evaporating Presences: Olfactory Dimensions in Contemporary Art, by Jim Drobnick, in: Parachute Magazine, Montreal, Canada, issue 89, January 1998
- Maciej Toporowicz, Jan Zakrzewski, Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New-York, Etats-Unis, 16/10/97-16/11/97, in: Art Press, Paris, France, no. 232
- Maciej Toporowicz, A Season in Hell, by Abraham Lubelski, in: NY Arts, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 1997
- Selling Woman, by Erica Browne, in: New York Post, New York, NY, USA, Oct. 23, 1997
- Maciej’s Obsession, by Lewis Blackwell, in: Creative Review, London, UK, Spring 1997
- The Ever Controversial Female Genitalia, in: Flash Art, Milan/New York, Jan. 1997
- Obsession, Archive, Germany, Fall 1996
- Maciej Toporowicz at Lombard Freid, by Alfred Corn, in: Art in America, USA, Oct. 1996
- Maciej Toporowicz, by Kim Levin, in: The Village Voice, New York, NY, USA, May 28, 1996
- Lombard Freid, by Roberta Smith, in: The New York Times, New York, NY, USA, May 17, 1996
- Art that’s crossed borders & cultures, by Raphael Sugarman, in: Daily News, New York, NY, USA, Apr. 1, 1994
- Making Scents of Fascism, by Ted Loose, in: Art & Antiques Magazine, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 1994
- Obsession insightful and yet superficial, by Ray Mark Rinaldi, in: Times Union, Albany, NY, USA, Oct. 1994
- Ad lib, by Kathi Norklun, in: Woodstock Times, Kingston, NY, USA, Oct. 1994
- A fascination with Fascism?, by Balise Schweitzer, in: Daily Freeman, Kingston, NY, USA, Sept. 27, 1994
- Il Duce sui francobolli per dire no al fascism, editorial, in: La Voce, Rome, Italy, Sept. 2, 1994
- Obsession Wehrmacht, in: Der Spiegel, Hamburg, Germany, no.29, July 18, 1994
- La Dolce Musto, by Michael Musto, in: Village Voice, New York, NY, USA, May 31, 1994
- Inside Art, by Carol Vogel, in: The New York Times, New York, NY, USA, May 27, 1994
- Maciej Toporowicz, in: Art Press, Paris, France, Apr. 1994 (on Serial Killers series)
- a review by Marek Bartelik, in: Nowy Dziennik Polish Daily News, New York, NY, USA, Mar. 1994
- Doing Art in Poland, by Robert Morgan, in: Cover, New York, NY, USA, Jan. 14, 1994 (a review of Construction in Process, Toporowicz’s work photographed)
- Maciej Toporowicz: Radio Ebb, in: High Performance. The Original Performance Art Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, USA, # 22, vol. VI, no. 2, 1983 (photographs and description of Toporowicz’ performance held in Poland under Martial Law)
- AWACS, in: High Performance, Los Angeles, CA, USA, #17/18, vol. V, nos. 1/2, 1982 (photographs and description of AWACS (Maciej Toporowicz & Piotr Grzybowski) performance held in Poland under Martial Law)
- 2013 Sztuka Polska wobec Holocaustu / Polish Art and the Holocaust, ed. Maria Budkowska, Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, Poland, 2013, p. 203 (group exhibition catalogue)
- 2012 (NIE) PORZADEK / (DIS) ORDER, ed. Lukasz Kropiowski, Galeria Sztuki Wspolczesnej/Contemporary Art Gallery, Opole, Poland, 2012 (group exhibition catalogue)
- 2011 Historia w sztuce / History in Art, ed. Anna Maria Potocka, Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow (MOCAK), Krakow, Poland, 2011, p. 310, 311 (group exhibition catalogue)
- 2010 Decadence NowI Visions of Excess, curated and essays by Otto M. Urban, Arbor vitae Publishers, Řevnice, Czech Republic in collaboration with Pro Arte Society, 2010 (337 p.,
bilingual catalogue to accompany the exhibition Decadence Now! Vision of Excess at the Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Sept. 30, 2010 – Jan. 2, 2011, with: Matthew Barney, Gilbert &
George, Keith Haring, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, David LaChapelle, Zbigniew Libera, Robert Mapplethorpe, Catherine Opie, ORLAN, Andres Serrano, Cindy Sherman, Maciej
Toporowicz, David Wojnarowicz, etc.) - 2010 POZA: On the Polishness of Polish Contemporary Art, ed. Marek Bartelik, Real Art Ways/DAP, Hartford, CT, USA, 2007, pp. 126-129 (group exhibition catalogue)
- 2006 Strategie subwersywne w sztukach medialnych, by Lukasz Ronduda, Rabid, Krakow, Poland, 2006
- 2006 Polyphony of Images. A Night of Cutting-Edge Contemporary Art from Poland: Video, Performance, and Other Media, Polish Cultural Institute, at the De Lamar Mansion at the
Consulate General of Poland in New York, NY, USA, ed. and curated by Monika Fabijanska, Oct. 2006, pp. 5, 13, 20 (group exhibition catalogue) - 2001 Mirroring Evil. Nazi Imagery / Recent Art, ed. Norman L. Kleeblatt, The Jewish Museum New York and Rutgers University Press, USA, 2001 (group exhibition catalogue)
- 1997 New Art, Harry Abrams, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1997
- 1995 Maciej Toporowicz: Obsession, by Vasif Kortun, dir. CCS Bard College, in: Tangled roots: 16th annual New Music & Arts Festival, October 13-November 3, 1995, curated by Jacqueline S.
Nathan with Myroslava Mudrak, the Fine Arts Center Galleries, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA, 1995 (group exhibition catalogue) - 1995 Maciej Toporowicz: Lure, by Vasif Kortun, director, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, USA, 1995 (press release for Toporowicz’ solo exhibition Lure
at Lombard Freid Fine Arts in New York in 1996) - 1984 Maciej Toporowicz, Works, Omnibus Press, Munich, Germany, 1984